Morrnah Nalamaku Simeona, a native Hawaiian Kahuna and gifted healer, developed a new system of healing based on the ancient spiritual tradition, Ho’oponopono. An indefatigable educator, Simeona was honored as a Living Treasure of Hawaii.
Editor’s Note: There is some controversy over the claims in this guest article – see this comment for details.
To appreciate what makes Morrnah extraordinary, it is necessary to understand that who she was and how she lived are as important as the achievements for which she is recognized.
Morrnah was born in Honolulu, Hawaii on May 19, 1913 into the respected family of Kimokeo and Lilia Simeona. Her mother was one of the few remaining Kahuna Lapa’au kahea (one who uses words and chants to heal) and as such, became a lady-in-waiting to Queen Lili’uokalani, the last monarch and only woman to reign in the Kingdom of Hawaii, near the end of the monarch’s life.
While there is no direct translation for “Kahuna,” literally “Ka” means light and “huna” means secret, as in sacred wisdom. In English, “Kahuna” is often translated as shaman, priest, expert, or pejoratively, magician. However, a Kahuna, having the power of a shaman, the focused training of an expert, and the mystical links of a priest, is a spiritual leader and reverent caretaker of her or his community, merging the inner and outer worlds into blended harmony.
Morrnah was surrounded by this ancient oral healing tradition from the beginning. She grew up in a multidimensional world where inner and outer realities were fluid, where energy currents informed her understanding, and where, in counterpoint, the outer world was teaming with the pressures of westernized culture.
At age three, she was recognized to carry on this living tradition. Since the training was oral, handed down from teacher to student, there were not books to read, no notes to take. Morrnah learned by listening, repeating, and remembering. According to Martyn Kahekili Carruthers, “A student was expected to have a natural aptitude, a good memory, and to learn quickly. They were thoroughly tested. Instructions were given twice, with a maximum of three repetitions….Little time was wasted on the incompetent or slow.”
In addition to her Kahuna training, Morrnah went to Catholic school where the way of Christ deeply influenced her spiritually. Eventually she went on to study the metaphysical traditions of India and China, and later the works of Edgar Cayce.
In the native Hawaiian community, a Kahuna served all equally and with respect. To a certain extent, the Kahuna was involved in every aspect of community life, healing mental, emotional, and physical illnesses as well as resolving broader disagreements. By mediating between the spiritual realms and the community, a Kahuna maintained a necessary balance of harmony. Healing took place in different ways, at different levels. According to Carruthers, “A Kahuna could often recognize and dissolve potential problems before they occurred. If a disease did not respond to la’au lapa’au (herbal remedies), lomilomi (massage) or la’au kahea (healing chants), then that disease was considered to represent an imbalance in the community. Ho’oponopono (family healing) might be required.”
Morrnah lived the way of her ancestors as a valued member of her community, quietly practicing her gifts of healing for over half her life.
Morrnah was also a master LomiiLomi Lapa’au, that is, a master of Hawaiian healing massage. LomiLomi has been called “the connection of the heart, hand, and soul with the source of all life” by Leina’ala K. Brown-Dombrigues. Morrnah studied anatomy as well as the laying on of hands. She gained the ability to sense the presence of healing energies which she then used in the massage treatments.
As a LomiLomi Lapa’au, Morrnah owned and operated health spas at the Kahala Hilton hotel and the Royal Hawaiian hotel at Waikiki Beach for ten years. In 1971, when Morrnah was 58 years old, Eugene Gauggel described his first meeting with her. “She sat at her reception desk, which had a wooden sculpture of a hand, life-size though abstractly carved. When I sat in front of this hand’s energy projection from the open palm, I could feel some energy coming my way from it. Everything about the place was of a healing nature. The atmosphere there was timeless and the sense of space was expansive and unlimited. She was a gentle soul who spoke little but felt a lot. She inspired relaxation, trust, and a sense of deep peace…she didn’t try to explain things. One could just feel something special in her presence. My impression is that she was sending healing energy through her silence and intent. She was very loving and soft-spoken.”
The health spas became the way in which the larger world would discover one of Hawaii’s national treasures. Clients included Lyndon B. Johnson, Jackie Kennedy, and Arnold Palmer. In treating these clients, Morrnah observed the effects of western culture, which she found out of balance with spirit and Source.
She said that “Western people have great difficulty in putting the intellect behind. It is difficult for the Western mind to get a grasp of a Higher Being because in traditional Western churches, the Higher Beings are not made evident.”
She continued, “Western man has gone to the extremes with his intellectualism, it divides and keeps people separate. Man then becomes a destroyer because he manages and copes, rather than letting the perpetuating force of the Divinity flow through him for right action.”
She recognized the depth of dis-ease and pain from which western civilization needed healing and knew that Ho’oponopono could help. Ho’oponopono means to make right or to rectify an error. The traditional format required the entire family to attend the healing. With a moderator present, each family member had a chance to ask for forgiveness from the others.
Morrnah thought this form of resolution-forgiveness healing could help the people she met when they visited her spas, but she also knew that western communities and families were fragmented, making a formal gathering difficult.
In 1976, when Morrnah was 63, she began to develop a new form of Ho’oponopono, modifying the original process.
Her system is simple and can be used successfully by anyone. The healing process includes one’s soul and the Divine. Morrnah has said, “We can appeal to Divinity who knows our personal blueprint, for healing of all thoughts and memories that are holding us back at this time,” she continued. “It is a matter of going beyond traditional means of accessing knowledge about ourselves.
We are the sum total of our experiences, which is to say that we are burdened by our pasts. When we experience stress or fear in our lives, if we would look carefully, we would find that the cause is actually a memory. It is the emotions which are tied to these memories which affect us now. The subconscious associates an action or person in the present with something that happened in the past. When this occurs, emotions are activated and stress is produced. Morrnah Nalamaku Simeona
The process of Ho’oponopono involves four phrases which can be repeated in any order:
I’m sorry
Please forgive me
Thank you
I love you
By saying these words over and over, a person is said to connect her/his own inner light with the light of Source. Over time, patterns in the subconscious dissolve, and by forgiving the parts within that hold those patterns, the person’s outer world regains balance and harmony.
“Clean, erase, erase and find your own Shangri-La. Where? Within yourself. The process is essentially about freedom, complete freedom from the past,” Morrnah said.
In August, 1980 at the age of 67, Morrnah introduced this Ho’oponopono healing process at the Huna World Convention in Ponolu’u, Hawaii. She spent the next decade teaching Ho’oponopono throughout the United States, Asia and Europe. She also taught the Self I-Dentity Ho’oponopono course at the University of Hawaii, Johns Hopkins University, and various medical facilities.
She created several foundations designed to spread the Ho’oponopono teachings, Pacifica Seminars in the 1970s, The Foundation of ‘I’ Inc. in 1980, and the German branch of Pacifica Seminars in 1990. She authored three textbooks, “Self-Identity through Ho’oponopono, Basic 1,” “Basic 2” (to be used after two years of practice), and “Basic 3” (to be used after five years). In 1990, the 8th edition of “Basic 1” was translated and printed in German and French.
At the age of 70, Morrnah was officially recognized a Kahuna Lapa’au and was named a Living Treasure of Hawaii in 1983. The same year she was invited to present Ho’oponopono to the United Nations in New York City, and the World Health Organization.
In the late fall of 1990, Morrnah embarked on her last tour of lectures and seminars, traveling throughout Europe and Jerusalem. In January, 1991 she returned to Germany where she lived quietly at a friend’s home in Kirchheim, near Munich, until she passed away on February 11, 1992, at age 79.
Morrnah Nalamaku Simeona, Kahuna and healer, spent her life helping others to restore the light within and attain peace with themselves, their families, and their communities. Said to be a simple, pure-hearted woman, Morrnah was cheerful and kind, with a compassionate care and respect for life. Though she spoke English perfectly, she talked little and spoke much through her healing presence. She, as much as her system of Ho’oponopono, is her extraordinary gift to the world.
My Peace “I” give to you, My Peace “I” leave with you,
Ha’awi aku wau I ku’u Maluhia ia oe, waiho aku wau I ku’u Maluhia me oe,Not the world’s Peace, but, only My Peace, The Peace of “I”.
A’ole ka Maluhia o ke ao aka, ka’u Maluhia wale no, Ka Maluhia o ka “I”.Morrnah Nalamaku Simeona
Recommended Reading
It can be very difficult to find Morrnah’s books in print! Since I’ve had a few people ask about this, I’ve added these recommendations of books on Ho’oponopono by other authors that have good reviews on Amazon:
Thanks for sharing this information.
I would like to share my web in H’oponoponono
Hello Luis
I couldn’t connect to your ho’oponopono website link that you shared on here . Have you closed it down ?
thankyou for this wonderful page on Morrnah Simeona , I loved reading more about her and her life , what an inspiring loving being she was and is in her spirit body !!!
Dear all,
I DO NEED to find & buy the self-identity through
Ho´oponopono book by Morrnah Simeona.
I keep trying to look for it EVERYWHERE, but I have
no response.
PLEASE, I would be deeply grateful if somebody of you, tell me how to get it, in the english version.
With thanks, MB
Dear MB,
You can find the original 14-step process by Morrnah Simeona by pacificaseminars in germany. Morrnah came to germany in 1991 where she lived until her death in February 1992 (see wikipedia). The original documents are located there (by The people there can give them more information about the original ho’oponopono Basic1 by Morrnah Simeona with a detailed introduction (also in english) .
Merry Christmas and regards
Thank you for sharing
Hi anonym
I am trying to find the original book also and saw your comment but when I clicked on the link I couldn’t find it . Is there an Engkish version ?
In response to your question:
It’s really a very special post for an amazing woman.
You can feel her personality through the words and be in
Peace of I.
Thanks for sharing.
Mahalo for sharing this beautiful piece about a beautiful lady, who has shown us all a pathway to peace. I love her.
Aloha nui loa,
Pamela Pappas
What a better world this could be if western man could only learn the concept and internalize its meanings as to the value of simply stating “I’m sorry, Please forgive me, Thank you, I love you ” –
How may times in personal and international affairs has this needed to be said, but never gets close to uttering it, because of the simple fear that doing so would be admitting wrong, hence nothing ever gets rectified.
I first met Mornnah in 1977. My friend named Johnny Tapia introduced us. I met with Mornnah 4 or 5 times discussing Ho’oponopono and other things relating to spiritual awakening. I remember the singer Marlene Sai was a usual part of the group. It was nice discovering her photo online. She was truly a beautiful person and soul. I have warm memories of my time with her.
Todd, where can we find her books?
Thank you
see Pacifica Seminars Europe:
here the Facebook page:
… and here the main website from pacificaseminars.
Morrnah founded Pacifica Seminars in Germany 1990. The People there (Michael Micklei and Yvette Mauri) can give you all the information about the original 14-step process from Morrnah Simeona.
Best regards from Switzerland
In response to your question:
Thank you so much for sharing information and insight about our dear Morrnah Simeona. I love her and will be forever grateful for her teachings.
Peace of I
From the bottom of my heart thank you for sharing this information. Thank YOU. MY the best regards from Poland. Hania
I enjoyed this article SO much and am so inspired. I felt stunned when I read the four phrases part. How beautiful, profound and healing. Thank you!
I just took the Basic 1 seminar a week ago. It was awe-inspiring! I’m still basking in the lingering thoughts on my mind. I have starting to implement a few of the tools that we were taught.
Thank you for providing a connection to I read the German site and found that it seems that now two techniques are called Ho’opnonopono. The German site lists several arguements why its technique is the original one as taught by Murrah. The arguements seem plausible to me. They are explaining in a rather peacful tone that the techniques taught by Dr. Hew Len and people referencing him is no Ho’oponopono in the way that Morrnah taught it. Just FYI.
P.S. For non-German speakers, maybe a translation program can help to get the major points acorss
Thank you for this beautiful offering about an incredible being. While I’d love to read and learn more I am certain that implementing this simple practice will be of profound benefit.
Thank you for all that you do to spread love and peace. To her foundation I’m sorry for contributing to disharmony and fear in the world. Please forgive me. THANK YOU. I love you!
The Mantra “i love you, please forgive you, im sorry, thank you.” comes not from Morrnah Simeona, and is not ho’oponopono and is not hawaiian. This mantra comes from Dr. Hew Len.
I would like to tell about ho’oponopono, Dr. Hew Len and about Morrnah Simeona.
Dr. Hew Len published a incorrect story about ho’oponopono, about his story in Hawaii State Hospital in the 1980s, about his job there and about the healings of the patients with Ho’oponopono in Hawaii State Hospital. Dr. Hew Len tells in several interviews, articles, seminars, and in the book “Zero Limits” he healed his patients with a mantra (im sorry, please forgive me, i love you, thank you.). This story is a fake.
Dr. Hew Len never healed with a mantra “i love you, please forgive you, im sorry, thank you.” in Hawaii State Hospital. This mantra is not ho’oponopono, and it is not hawaiian. This Mantra was developed by Dr. Hew Len after Morrnah’s death.
Morrnah Simeona adapted the traditional Ho’oponopono to today’s times and realities. She developed a 14-step process. Everyone can learn and use this process. Morrnah’s ho’oponopono is a modern version of the traditional Ho’oponopono process. Morrnah has founded the “Pacifica Seminars” in the 1970s and then the “Foundation of I” to spread her 14-step ho’oponopono around the world. She made it possible for all people to solve their problems with her Ho’oponopono.
In September 1990, Morrnah and Yvette Mauri founded “Pacifica Seminars” in Germany (see Pacifica Seminars Europe is the only organization in Europe, where you can learn Morrnah’s original 14-step Ho’oponopono-process today.
Dr. Hew Len healed 23 criminal and ill patients with ho’oponopono. Thats correct. But he used Morrnah’s 14-step Ho’oponopono to heal his patients (more informations, please visit Never used Dr. Hew Len a mantra with 11 words in Hawaii State Hospital.
Nobody talks about Morrnah’s 14-step Ho’oponopono today. Many people were misinformed by Dr. Hew Len and by the Book “Zero Limits” and by another books and by several organisations. Dr. Hew Len does not speak about Morrnahs 14-step ho’oponopono-process anymore today and he doesen’t speak about he healed his patients with Morrnah’s 14-step ho’oponopono-process in Hawaii State Hospital. What reason have Dr. Hew Len to tell this lie?
Michael Micklei has written a report about Dr. Hew Len and about the true story in Hawaii State Hospital. Please let me share this link (is only in german language, please use Google tanslator to translate to your language):
Please share this information to another people 🙂
Thank you!
Aloha and greetings
Patrice C.
The mentioned 4 phrases are NOT from Morrnah, NOT Hawaiian, NO ho’oponopono. They are beautifuk, but were invented from Dr. Len around the year 2000.
As some people have already mentioned, this mantra (i’m sorry, please forgive me, i love you, thank you) is not Ho’oponopono and comes not from Morrnah.
This article creates confusion and prevents people from getting to know the real Ho’oponopono of Morrnah Simeona!
It is sad to see how misinformation is spread about Morrnah Simeona and about her ho’oponopono-process!
That’s not fair
Dear author may you please correct the information in this article?
Morrnah Simeona has never used “I love you…” mantra.
Ho’oponopono she shared with the world is much deeper than that.
Please do not spread fake news.
Hi Joanna, thanks for your comment. This article definitely needs an update, however I’m no longer in contact with the original author of the post, and original reliable sources on the truth about Morrnah Simeona are hard to come by. If you’d like to submit a guest article or can recommend reliable sources, I’d be happy to update when I can.